CHLORMATIC is suitable for all types of commercial and household dishwashers in both soft and hard water. This premium grade product is especially suitable for use in hard water areas, where scale and stain control is of upmost importance.
Use Recommendations
CHLORMATIC is specifically designed for machine dishwashing and effective stain control in all machine cleaning operations involving dinnerware, glassware, silver and stainless steel cutlery.
It is preferable not to mix silver, stainless steel and aluminium in one wash operation, as soft metals could be attached by electrolytic action caused by dissimilar metals in solution.
Do not allow prolonged contact with aluminium and other soft metals if pitting and discolouration are to be avoided.
Concentration is varied according to water conditions, temperature and type of machine, but normally 1-2 grams per Litre of water in the wash tank is sufficient at wash temperature 60-70oC.
Wash solution can be prepared, manually, by filling the dishwasher with fresh water and adding the required amount of CHLORMATIC. Mix the product into solution completely by running the machine.
Safety Phrase
Refer Label, TDS or SDS
Bulk Order?
Interested in bulk purchases? Contact us for exclusive discounts on larger orders. Click here for a personalized quote and save on your next big buy!
If you require an SDS: Add product using the ‘Add to Enquiry’ button. Please note: you can add multiple products to a single enquiry. Complete the ‘My Enquiry’ form (next to Cart) and you will receive the SDS via email within one business day.
If you are a commercial user seeking bulk chemical quantities, please add to enquiry and submit the form, and we will be in touch with a personalised quote.
Bulk chemical quantities are as follows: 5L drums / 5kg powder x 150 10kg powder x 48 20kg powder bags x 40 20L drums / 20kg powder x 32 200/205L drums / 200kg powder x 4 IBC x 1 1 Tonne bulk powder bags Bulk / ISO tank refilling
Key to our past and future success is the Company’s ability to understand, support and fulfill evolving customer requirements.