MARINERS MATE EXTRA is a NON-HAZARDOUS product used for the safe removal of rust & scale and control bacteria from ships, platforms, marine structures, trucks, rolling stock, earthmovers & skip bins.
Use Recommendations
Light Duty Cleaning: 1 part to 50 parts water
Foam Cleaning: 1 part to 10 parts water
Medium Duty Cleaning: 1 part to 10 parts water
Heavy Duty Cleaning: Neat
Rust Removal in Soak Bath: 1-3 parts to 50 parts water (keep wet with product)
Prepare a diluted solution according to the extent of the contamination.
Where possible use warm water as this works best.
Swab or foam the solution onto the surface working from the bottom upwards.
Ensure the surface is uniformly covered as uneven application may produce streaks.
Keep the surface wet with the product & allow at least 30 minutes WET dwell time to work.
If surface becomes dry apply another coat.
The product works via a chemical reaction which requires time, slight agitation and the surface to be kept wet with product. Once clean flush with fresh water.